Status: PayU Europe
Technical break on 12.06.2024
Scheduled Maintenance Report for PayU Europe
The scheduled maintenance has been completed.
Posted Jun 12, 2024 - 06:00 CEST
In progress
Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.
Posted Jun 12, 2024 - 02:00 CEST
due to necessary PayU technical break, on 12.06.2024, from 02:00 AM to 06:00 AM CEST the system will be unavailable, please expect the following:

• customers won’t be able to use payment methods (provided via PayU Europe on European markets excluding Romania),
• there will be no withdrawals or refunds,
• customers won’t be able to check their payment status on the PayU page,
• you won’t be able to log in to the PayU Merchant Panel.
• it will not be possible to carry out the verification of use process within the Marketplace.
Posted Jun 10, 2024 - 15:30 CEST
This scheduled maintenance affected: Platform availability.